Nicely done. Quite softcore really. Those are bdsm play candles that melt at a comfortable 50°c so like a comfortably hot bath temperature. Likewise the flogging is quite gentle unless it hits a sensitive area. Although I love giving an extended gentle flogging like this. For the first 15 minutes it's quite pleasant and relaxing for the sub. Then as the skin gets red, it becomes a little itchy. After an hour everywhere has become very sensitive and it's becoming a real ordeal for the sub. And as time goes on, it becomes more and more unbearable. All it takes is time and patience. I really enjoy those experiences that take a longer time.
Ce soi-disant "maitre" impuissant à micro-penis ne sait même pas que Karina est la REINE allemande du FISTING, il ne sait meme pas ce que c'est...pauvre type, quel gachis, elle n'aurait jamais du tourner un seul navet...retourne chez toi avec tes accessoires à la con substituts de ta micro bite, pauvre minable "maitre" de pacotille, MDR !!!